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Gun Safety

We are committed to
reducing gun deaths
in the United States
50% by 2030.

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Gun Violence

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The Gun Safety Alliance increases connections and coordination across supporters of the gun violence prevention (GVP) movement, finding ways to amplify each others’ work toward our goal of reducing gun deaths.

Corporate Partners

Businesses support our movement through employee engagement, awareness campaigns, financial support, political leverage, and normalzing the values of our movement through their support.

Media Partners

Media, creative, and advertising partners help the messaging and narratives needed to bring more people and organizations into the movement.

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Community Partners

Community partners, such as nonprofits, religious and spiritual organizations, have both the insights as well as direct relationships with families and communities impacted by gun violence.

Individual Contributors

Committed, passionate individual leaders and advisors who volunteer their time and expertise toward advancing our goals to reduce gun violence are greatly needed.

A Communications Guide For Reframing Gun Safety In America
Learn Some Gun Facts
Learn More About Becoming a GVP Partner

A Communications Guide For Reframing Gun Safety In America

There is widespread perception that the U.S. is polarized on gun violence prevention and there is no common ground. That’s a fallacy. The point of this white paper is to dispel these two myths: That there is no common ground and there is nothing to be done. The following report demonstrates there is significant common ground between gun owners and non-owners. This paper will seek to help align our conversations, promote common purpose, and inspire effective action to reduce gun violence in the United States.

Download the guide here.


Statistics About Gun Violence & Gun Safety

97% of Americans support universal background checks for gun sales.
93 Americans will die from gun violence today.
651 Americans will die from gun violence this week.
2,604 Americans will die from gun violence this month.
33,000 Americans will die from gun violence this year

Understand the Risks

A gun in the home is 19x more likely to be used to harm you.
The suicide rate in homes with guns is 5x higher than those without.
44% of adolescent suicides occur using guns.
82% of adolescent suicides involve a family member's gun.
In homes with children, 75% of the kids know where that gun is.

Saving Hundreds of Thousands of Lives is Possible if Everyone – Politicians, Businesses and Civil Society – Does Their Part

As of today, more than 60 gun violence prevention organizations and allied groups have aligned on a path to reduce gun deaths in the United States by 50 percent by 2030. While each of these organizations has their own approach, priorities and programs to reduce gun violence, all believe this reduction is possible if everyone – politicians, businesses and civil society – does their part. Each year, there are approximately 40,000 firearm deaths in the United States, and current statistics indicate that these numbers are likely to rise if we do not come together to take immediate action. The societal and political complexities that confound this issue continue to show there is no – nor will there be – one solution to ending this epidemic. Together, these organizations believe that if policies, programs and practices proven to reduce homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings are scaled up and advanced, there will be a significant reduction in gun-related deaths in the U.S.

The solution to reducing these senseless and preventable deaths is attainable if the combined forces of these organizations are harnessed, focused and directed towards initiatives that have had a demonstrable impact on gun-related deaths. It is only possible if elected officials, business leaders and citizens prioritize addressing this epidemic. Only through the combined forces of these groups – and a concerted effort to hold ourselves and society accountable for ending this violence – can we hope to create a better and safer future for us all.

The Pledge:

We the undersigned organizations are fighting to end the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. We work on the national, state and local levels. We work on legislation, policy, programs, research and direct interventions. Our approach, strategies and tactics sometimes differ, but all of us see the devastating effects of this preventable problem and are committed to reversing it.

We believe that the United States can reduce gun deaths by 50 percent by 2030. We know this is possible, but only if everyone does their part and we invite you to join us. We believe that we can save well more than 100,000 lives in the next ten years, but it will take many of us working together — from gun manufacturers to law enforcement, elected officials to CEOs, doctors to social workers, those who own guns and those who do not — toward this common purpose.

This is both a declaration of what’s possible and a call to action. Countless lives are at stake. This enormous problem requires bold solutions. We pledge to work together to do our part to cut gun deaths by 50 percent over the next decade. But we can’t do it alone.

We hope you will join us in doing your part.

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Ways to Reduce Gun Deaths

Each year there are approximately 40,000 firearm deaths in the United States - these numbers are likely to rise without immediate action. Here are a few ways reduce gun deaths:

Passing legislation to require background checks on all gun sales

States that require a background check on gun sales have homicide rates 10% lower than those that do not.

Advancing Extreme Risk laws—sometimes referred to as “Red Flag” laws

States that have implemented Extreme Risk laws have seen, on average, a double-digit percent decrease in gun-related death rates.

Achieving adoption of secure storage practices – storing firearms unloaded, locked, and separate from ammunition

These practices are associated with a 78 percent lower risk of self-inflicted firearm injuries, and an 85 percent lower risk of unintentional firearm injuries among children.

Supporting violence intervention programs that provide comprehensive support to the individuals who are at greatest risk of gunshot victimization

Homicide and gun injuries fell nearly 40 percent in select communities where these programs exist.

Combating “Stand Your Ground” laws and recognizing the inherent danger of this legislation.

Some states that implemented “Stand Your Ground” laws saw a 32 percent increase in firearm homicide rates and a 24 percent increase in overall homicide rates since the policy was implemented.